remain in light
as a drummer who came up before the age of electronic drums, i am quite used to dark basements; the volume of real drums has long forced drummers underground, particularly those raised on ginger baker, keith moon, and john bonham. my first cavernous drum basement was located in the very village i now live in, under the church where my mother played organ and my father preached. bare cement, huge reverb time. with the lights off, it was pitch black 24/7.
so when the idea came up to build under our garden, i immediately began to consider how to get some light into the space. remembering a museum i once saw in catalonia, i decided on five small skylights on the south end of the room, complemented by a large glass panel in the main entrance on the north side, together with an almost-all-glass anteroom. everyone including me was surprised at just how much light streams into the new recording room! you can read small print by the natural light. so it will be great to know what the weather is like, and whether it's night or day.
the skylights
construction foreman mario in front of raw entrance