let ‘er rip!

last weekend was a true blast. we opened up FSE (five spot east studio) with two concerts by the pocket orchestra which were very well attended thanks to a nice newspaper article by daniela haag in the tages anzeiger. it was kinda scary right up to the last minute (not the first time, nor probably the last), since these were the very first performances in the new studio/performance space. adrian, chris and i worked anywhere from twelve to sixteen hours a day in the runup to the shows. we had three new players, yshani, manuel, and jeanne, all of whom fit seamlessly into the band. 

during one piece especially, “agency (the spirit of freedom)”, the band opened up in a way i’ve never heard us play before. we also had a lot of fun with the comprovisation “wish i’d thought of it sooner”. 

overall it was really a warm fuzzy feeling performing at home: our family home, as well as the new, permanent home of the pocket orchestra. here’s to many happy returns!


oh mama, can this really be the end?